21-21 oct. 2021 Paris (France)


Pierre Louis Antonsanti (Université de Paris)

How to Register a Live onto a Liver ? Partial Matching in the Space of Varifolds

Sylvain Arguillère (Université de Lille)

ResNet-LDDMM: A new LDDMM-like Framework Using Deep Residual Networks

Malte Brunn (Universität Stuttgart)

High-Speed Image Registration for Large-Scale Applications with CLAIRE

Ninon Burgos (Institut du Cerveau)

On the interplay between medical image registration and synthesis

Noémie Debroux (Université Clermont Auvergne)

Multiscale Image Registration

Jean Feydy (Imperial College London).

Fast geometric libraries for vision and data sciences

Anton François (Université de Paris)

An implementation of metamorphosis and its limits

Hicham Janati (École Polytechnique)

Optimal transport in brain imaging: modeling inter-subject spatial variability

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